Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Writers write

So that's what my favorite author, Jen Lancaster, said.  If you want to be a writer, write.  whatever it is.  So here it is.

Today I decided for sure that what I really, really want to do, is write children's picture books.  Ok.  So Step 1-done.  Now what?

I have ideas for story lines, the 2 main characters, underlying 'messages.'  Do I need to take a course?  Do I just do it?  How do I just do it?

So this is Step 2 - this blog.  Because writers write.  I was looking for a place to see ideas on paper.  Not looking for lots of people to read, comment, redirect my efforts.  We'll see what happens.

Maybe it's not so smart to put all my good ideas on the interweb...but working through the process and serving as a reminder of what I'm trying to do, is.   We call it Putting it Out There.  Give it to the universe and see what comes back.

...so there it is.